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"We dont Cut Corners - We Clean Them"
 Pat Tobin (Director
04 7522 3136

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LOOKING FOR WORK - We are Hiring

By : Admin on : 11th Feb 2018 Go to register here on the Home Page
and applicants or job seekers can sign up here to use it for free.

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We often hear many cleaning company owners are afraid to get new customers because they don’t have the staff and afraid to hire for lack of work for the employees — it can absolutely kill the growth of a cleaning company!

We’ve found out the hard way how much work went into finding and keeping cleaners.

But over the years we have learned one key thing about hiring:

It's not about us.

At least, it's not just about us.

From the OUR perspective, it's about them too.

That means our company needs to be a good match for the cleaner as much as the cleaner needs to be a good match for our company.

For a position to be a good match, it has to be more than just a job to the employee. We have found that their best performing cleaners were getting way more out of their job with us than just a pay check.

Sometimes it was how much they liked working with specific clients. Other times it was the time of day the position allowed them to work. Some were motivated by the fact that it allowed them work while going to school.

The fact of the matter is that our best cleaners could have been working any number of places but chose to work with us because the position was a good fit for their life. 

Knowing this has helped us not only find the best cleaners, but also retain them so we can concentrate on growing our business rather than sifting through resumes.

WE Have Cleaners Screen themselves out

We have learned pretty quickly that the best way to find a great cleaner was to find the position they would be great for. But conversations around commuting and working hours cleaning skills and experience can be time-consuming.

One way to save time on screening out cleaners who aren't a good fit is by writing better job postings so that they can screen themselves out.

Having said this, we're all guilty of not reading things closely, and we still get applications from people who don't meet our minimum requirements especially in terms of experience and skill

To solve this problem, our team built a tool that will tells us who DOES meet those criteria. In fact, it ranks cleaner applications based on who is the BEST match.

Our website link is

and applicants or job seekers can sign up free of charge


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